Lisi Guitierrez
I was born and raised in El Paso, TX
My Instagram is @lisifer_, but I’ve never been one to post too much about my artwork.
Quite honestly, I’m not too sure how I would begin to describe my work. I
started painting simply by copying artwork I liked when I was younger, being drawn especially towards the Italian Renaissance artists. The sculpted human figures were always so beautiful to me, representing such emotion and narrative using only the body and expressions. So when I began painting portraits in High School, I tried to make my paintings do just that, create a narrative using only the human body. Now, I’ve kept to that same pattern, but telling the stories of the people of my home, of the women of the desert.
How does the region influence your art?
Although I admit that I have not been creating as often as I wish, the times I do find myself determined to paint are due to frustration. The few portraits I’ve created these past few years have all been to represent the voices of communities around me who have been faced with discrimination and injustices. The culture and knowledge of the indigenous communities have shaped who I am today, and have inspired me greatly. I have used my art as a tool to educate and protest. I am currently attending a University in New York in which I am studying to become a Landscape Architect. I will be using my creative voice in the future to reimagine our relationship with the land around us, something that the indigenous communities base much of their beliefs and customs around. My region has made me passionate about fighting for the earth and people who take care of it, and I do so through my art.